Monday, September 13, 2010

New Bonus Problem Solver!

Solve and post your solution, showing all work for this problem and get a ticket that will be entered in the end of the month raffle for a prize!

A triangle has a perimeter of 32 in. The longest side is twice the length of one of the other sides and 3 in. longer than the third. What is the length of each side of the triangle?


  1. 14,7,and 11

    E/2=N. E-3=X. E+N+X=32


  2. Mr. Alfred,
    The answer is
    7.25 in,10.25 in .and 14.25 in

    since one side is plus three, I took away the three to try to isolate the x. take away three from that and you get x+x+2x=29, or 4x=29. Then divide 29 by 4 and you get x=7.25. 2x=14.5 because you add and x+3=10.25. They add together to get 32.

    Ps. Ben nice pic. and 7+3 is 10 not 11

    PPS. Mr alfred, could you add this to my homework grade?


  3. Ok- good job fellas! When I solve the problem I get the answers that Ben did. However Ben, I'd like to see some more explanation, similar to Zachs... Zach "thought" he saw an addition error in your work because it was unclear. Zach talk to me and I will show you how I got to Ben's answer. My hint will be: read the "...and 3 in. longer than the third..." part very well!
