Friday, November 22, 2013

Flipped Classroom 11/22/13

Hello- Homework is to watch these 5 videos and then leave me a comment about what you learned, what you liked or disliked. If you would like to search for more, please search "solving one-step equations. If you find another video that is good, post the link... Remember to log in to your @jamestownstudent account to comment! I will know you did the work by leaving me a comment!


  1. X finds his value
    I learner that x's value is 7. I liked how it was cartoon. I didn't like there voices.
    Solve Me Maybe
    I learner use an inverse. I liked how they danced. I didn't like her voice because it was squeaky.
    Math Rap Dougie
    I learned to combine all like terms. I like the plot. I dint like how the teacher thought he could rap.
    One Step Equation
    I learner that 5 is the constant. I like how the kids threw paper. I didn't like how the teacher the teacher thought he could rap.
    One Step Equation Song
    I learner a one step equation has a variable. I like how it was a one step equation. I didn't like his acsent and how he sang.

  2. One step equation song:
    i learned a one step equation has a variable. i liked how it was a one step equation. i didnt like how he sang.
    One Step Equation:
    I learned that 5 is the constant. i liked how the kids threw the paper. i didnt like how the teacher thought he could rap.
    Math rap dougie:
    I learned first combine all like terms. i liked the plot. i didnt like the song and how he rapped.
    Solve me maybe:
    i learned to use an inverse. i liked how they all did a dance. i didnt like her voice because it was squeaky.
    X finds his value:
    i didnt like how high pitch there voices were. i liiked how it was a cartoon. i learned that X's value was 7.

  3. Nick Godena

    Watch the X finds his Number and found out it was 7

  4. Nick Godena watched the X finds His number

  5. Nick Godena Watched the X finds his number

  6. Nick Godena watched the X finds his number he found out it was 7

  7. I Have watched X finds his number

  8. I liked the solve me maybe and the one step equation song and also the teach me how to solve it but on the other ones it confused me

  9. I watched x find his number and found out it was 7
