Thursday, January 26, 2012


All 7th grade classes have the SMI test on Monday- Get Ready by practicing on IXL!
7-1: practice ratio, propoprtion and similar figures
7-2: you have a ch 4 test on Feb 1 - study
7-3: any of the "v" skills in the 8th grade - slope stuff!

8th grade work due on Friday
8-1: none
8-2: Linear Equations Word problems
8-3:WS 4-6 evens

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Want me to buy a raffle ticket??

8th graders... Answer this problem correctly, posting your answer and solution here on my blog and I will give you $5... Well, I will buy a DC raffle ticket from you.... 7th graders don't worry, you can answer too... I will give you a raffle ticket! You must use an appropriate problem solving strategy... hint hint: guess and check is not the best strategy!  You must post your answer by Monday at the latest so I can purchase a ticket from you! Good Luck!

A camper can have a total weight of 7,400 pounds including cargo
and passengers. Without water in its water tanks, the camper cargo
weighs 7,155 pounds. If water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon, how
many gallons of water can be loaded into the tanks before the
camper exceeds its total weight capacity?


Tuesday Work...
7th grade work is due on Thursday and 8th Grade work is due Weds.

8-1: Finish the different form of a line WS
8-2: page 725, lesson 4-4 1-12 all
8-3: WS 4-5 alll

7-1:Page 181 1-16 all
7-2: Pg 216 2-28 even
7-3: WS 4-5 both sides

Friday, January 20, 2012

snowy morning

homework is as follows:
7-1 page 625, lesson 4-4, 1-28 all
7-2 page 211, 2-32 even
7-3 WS4-4 both sides

8-1 page 223 quiz on 4-3 and 4-4 MOnday
8-2 WS4-4 quiz on 4-3 and 4-4 MOnday
8-3 page 742 all the LCM problems

IXL for all algebra classes: slope, slope intercept, standard form, point slope form - graphing or making equatiosn

Pre alg classes: Multiplying and Dividing exponents, or Neg exponents
COurse 3 ratios, proportions, percents

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Problem Solver!

 How Many Minutes How many minutes represent 10 percent of one full week?

Tuesday, Tuesday Tuesday!


All parents should have received a letter describing portfolio conferences for 7th  and 8th grade students. This letter along with the dates and times SHOULD be in your students planner- Kids give your parents the paper!

7th grade work is due on Wednesday-
7-1: proportions WS
7-2:page 198, 2-28 even
7-3: y=mx+b WS

8th grade work is due on Thursday
8-1: page 216 1-9 all and pg 217, 10-32 even
8-2: Slope WS (4-3) both sides, also QUIZ on 4-1 and 4-2
8-3: Page 193 2-42 even

Algebra classes should be putting in time on slopes on IXL
Pre-alg classes should be putting in time on GCF and factoring on IXL

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weds Work

Wednesday Work
7th grade work is due on Thursday
7-1: page 163  #'s 3-28 all  - -- IXL ratios and proportions
7-2: page 194  #'s 2-36 even  ---- IXL prime factorization
7-3: page 192  #'s 1-13 all and 14-30 even

8th grade
8-1 and 8-2: page 207, #'s 2-32 even   (8-2, you need to complete the Linear Discoveries Packet also)
8-3: page 188 #'s 2-40 even

All Algebra classes should be on IXL, algebra standard, Any Linear/Slope skill
Pre-Algebra classes should be on IXL, 8th gr standard, Factorization

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Welcome Back!
7th grade homework due Friday!
7-1: page 158, #'s 4-30 even
7-2: page 182, #'s 2-46 even
7-3: page 185, #'s 1-19 all

8th grade homework due on Monday:
8-1 and 8-2: page 192, #'s 1-13 all and 14-30 even

8-3: NONE

Algebra Classes should be working on slope stuff on IXL
Pre-Algebra classes should be working on ratios and proportions OR powers and exponents